Love, Carolissa

“Dear NICU Mama, From one sister to another, I hope you give yourself permission to truly feel like the resilient mama you are. The NICU is a scary place, quickly changing with many rules that often leave us feeling as a stranger in the room. But a mother is someone who is loving, selfless, and would do anything for their sweet little babe. NICU Mama, that IS you.

I hope in the midst of the chaos, you remember you made those beautiful little toes and fingers. They know your heartbeat and you theirs. That smile that lights up your world – you made. YOU are their world, their protector, and their guiding light. NICU Mama, that babe is as resilient as YOU are.

I know you’re tired, sweet mama. The fight is a long one. But there is goodness ahead. There is light at the end of the tunnel. The NICU is a scary place, but it is also a beautiful place where miracles happen. Every day.

Your little babe, sweet mama, is living proof of that.”


More of Carolissa + Elizabeth’s NICU Journey:
”During our anatomy scan at 19 weeks, we were told we my cervix was 75% funneled and was short at 1.8. I was immediately sent to an MFM who explained that the likelihood of delivery within the next couple of weeks were high. She also explained that the baby survival rate were slim to none before 24 weeks. She put me on bed rest and progesterone pills in hopes it would slow down the progression.

We had a goal to make it to 24 weeks. Luckily, that came and went with slow progression. At 28 weeks, my cervix measured 1.2 and my FFN testing came back positive for preterm labor. We got the steroids shots for her lungs and prepared for an early labor.

At 30wks, we were admitted for preterm labor. We received a second shots of steroids, magnesium, and penicillin. We were in and out of labor the whole stay. Tried everything to stop labor but it didn’t work and we had her at exactly 31 weeks. Delivery was rough. I had low platelets my entire pregnancy and ended up bleeding out quickly. We were preparing for an emergency c section in our L&D room but as I started to crash and Elizabeth went into distress- my OB decided the OR was the best place to be. As my OB was getting ready to start the c-section- everything stopped. My labor stopped, the bleeding stopped, I stabilized and so did Elizabeth. For 3 hours after nothing happened, I ended up being induced and delivered her naturally. Elizabeth Harper Jones was born weighing 3 pounds and 13 ounces— Beautifully pink with no respiratory support needed.

She began her 56 day stay in the NICU. She had jaundice, low blood sugar, and cardio episodes for high HR and bradycardia. Between feeding issues and Brady’s, we felt like we would never go home. It was an isolating experience to be in the NICU. It’s the loneliest I’ve ever felt surrounded by so many people.

Although it all still feels like yesterday, on October 10th she will be ONE years old and we are forever grateful to have her with us.”


Love, Gemma


Love, Kelbi