Love, Catherine

“Dear NICU Mama, I see how much courage it took to let your birth story take up space.

When your entrance into motherhood looks different from other people’s experiences, the grief over what was promised can sometimes make you feel small. NICU Mama, your birth and postpartum stories are worth sharing too. Shining a light on the most vulnerable, sacred pieces of our heart takes tremendous courage. Allowing yourself to show up every day in a world that might not understand is exhausting and brave.

Always remember that even when it comes out shaky, your voice needs to be heard. You are worthy of being celebrated as a mother too.”


More of Catherine + Caleb’s NICU story:

“I had a sudden placental abruption and needed an emergency C-section. Caleb was born at 25 weeks. He began his life as a 2 pound micro preemie and was in the NICU for 82 days. Throughout Caleb’s time in the NICU, he had multiple blood transfusions, jaundice, apnea of prematurity, respiratory distress syndrome, and a grade 3 intraventricular hemorrhage in his brain. He was also treated for a large PDA in his heart and sepsis. Caleb is now a sweet, loving two year old who brings hope and joy to everyone he meets!”


Love, Anna


Love, Tara