Love, Meagan

“Dear NICU Mama, Your birth story tells the story of a mama who was brave and strong despite being faced with unimaginable fear and uncertainty. The shock was real and it may have been hard to process what was happening while you gave birth.

You were brave when the doctors asked you questions that you never should have had to answer. You remained brave when the NICU team arrived and the room was crowded and chaotic awaiting the birth of your little miracle. The words of what the future might look like for your little one were barely heard as the contractions became stronger, and all you could do was focus on the present because the future seemed too difficult to comprehend. You remained brave when your baby arrived knowing that one journey had ended but another had just begun.

You may wonder why your birth story went the way it did and you may think you failed. But mama you did not fail at all. You were stronger than you ever could have imagined.


More of Meagan + Gabriel’s NICU story:

“My son Gabriel was born unexpectedly at 24 weeks and 6 days at the start of the COVID pandemic on March 14, 2020. Our 115 day NICU stay was an unprecedented journey filled with a roller coaster of changing policies including a transfer to another hospital due to ventilator needs, me and my husband not being able to see our son together for 90 days, and my daughter not meeting her brother until he arrived home. Although the journey was difficult, my son remained strong throughout the experience and was a real beacon of hope during quite a tumultuous time.”


Love, Hannah


Love, Allie