Love, Meredith

“Dear NICU Mama, As another year comes to a close, I hope you celebrate YOU.

You are strong! You are beautiful! You are worthy! You are enough! You are a NICU Mama!

Though your journey may be heavy, filled with worry, and packed with grief – you and your journey are worth celebrating.

Celebrate your emotions – all of them. Each stage of the NICU journey can be filled with deep emotions.

Celebrate all of your courage and bravery as you advocate for you and your NICU warrior.

Celebrate the relationships that you build with the nurses, PTs, OTs, doctors, therapists, and other supports that compassionately care for your babe and family.

Celebrate the happy moments – each small or big step forward deserves celebration.

Overall, celebrate YOU! Take time to care for yourself. Being a NICU Mama can be a lot – take time for a walk, a bath, a candy bar, or another episode of your favorite TV show.

You, NICU mama, are worth celebrating!”


More of Meredith + Otto‘s NICU story:

“Otto was born on March 13, 2023 at 32+5 weeks. Sixteen days earlier I had been hospitalized with severe pre-eclampsia. On the evening of day 15, my blood pressure and headaches were out of control. The morning’s ultrasound showed IUGR and that Otto was experiencing distress. Two hours later Otto entered the world via C-section. 

He was immediately sent up to the NICU. Due to surgical complications, I had to be put fully under anesthesia to finish up the procedure with no visual that Otto was okay. Due to magnesium, I finally was united with Otto 48 hours later. He was so small and so beautiful!

Otto’s NICU journey was fairly linear–mostly on the growing and feeding regimen. He did fantastic, we are so grateful for that. While he was showing great improvement, I struggled with feeling a bond and connection with him. I did not feel like an expert in my own child and had a lot of resentment about that. I spent most of his NICU stay trying to find my connection and confidence in being his mom.

The NICU nurses and support community really helped in this process, allowing my husband and I to be a hands-on part of his care. NICU nurses are truly the best! We are forever grateful for the connections and care they provided Otto and us!

After 17 days, Otto was discharged right at 4lbs just big enough for a traditional car seat. Those first few days at home really allowed Otto and I to bond in the way I had hoped for. The comfort and new routine at home helped us settle in as a family. 

Nine months later, Otto is a happy babe. He brings so much joy into the world!  I still grieve for what could have been, but I also celebrate our journey!”


Love, Samantha


Love, Kirsten