Love, Rachel

“Dear NICU Mama, I see how much courage it took to deliver your baby into a world of unknowns, living out a birth story so different from what you may have hoped and dreamed of.

I see the way you mustered the strength to make it to your baby’s bedside that first time, your own body still raw and painful from giving birth. Seeing your precious little one with tubes and lines attached, that was courage. I see you.

I see how much courage it took to sit bedside with your baby. The beeps and alarms may have felt endless, but you remained, and you kept showing up.

I see the courage it took to get daily, sometimes hourly updates from doctors, nurses, and respiratory therapists. Bracing yourself for whatever news might come that day or that hour. Learning a new language so that you might be able to understand the health needs of your sweet babe. It wasn’t easy on any fronts, but you did it. You were courageous.

I see the courage it took to keep showing up when you didn’t know if your baby was going to make it through an illness. Or maybe when you received a new life altering diagnosis. In the scariest of unknowns, whatever they might have been, you were present with your baby. That took bravery. When it may have felt like you were never going to be able to bring your baby home, you kept fighting for them. Mama, your resilience and courage is inspiring.

And, I see you in the times when you felt weak and broken down. In the times you may have felt like you’d used up every ounce of courage you had and you leaned on others to support you. That was courage too. It takes courage to be vulnerable and accept help. Mama, you were brave.

You may not always feel courageous, but your actions speak otherwise. You embody courage, lovely Mama. The scars you carry tell a story of bravery and strength. You, Mama, are amazingly courageous, and I see you. You are not alone.”


More of Rachel + Her Boys’ NICU story:"

“My name is Rachel and I’m the Mama of identical twin boys that were born at 25 weeks and 5 days. I had twin twin transfusion syndrome while they were in the womb and it became unsafe for all three of us to continue the pregnancy. One of my boys was in the NICU for 128 days and the other in the NICU for 219 days. During our NICU journey, between the two of them our boys overcame NEC, pneumonia, multiple surgeries, a gut infection, feeding struggles and aspiration, and a blood clot. One of my sweet boys was also diagnosed with brain damage. On paper their outcomes looked bleak, but they both continue to surprise health professionals with how well they are doing. Our boys are running their own race when it comes to milestones, but we are incredibly hopeful about their futures and feel so blessed about how far they have come.”


Love, Kristen


Love, Anna