Love, Taylor

“Dear NICU Mama, In this season of motherhood, I hope you can find comfort in the quiet.

You fought so hard alongside your warrior. You were there every day putting one foot in front of the other through the impossible and unthinkable. You kept calm in the chaos, doing what you had to do to support your NICU baby and your family.
You somehow made it home transitioning to full-time medical mama.

After surviving the NICU and the hard days that followed, coming home amongst the medical equipment and the appointments, you might find it hardest mentally amidst the quiet and the calm. You might feel it’s scariest in this new space, worrying when the other shoe will drop. The absence of beeping equipment may be deafening, and you may feel a sense of panic without the safety net of countless appointments.

But you made it, mama. You and your baby fought to be here. And whatever happens in the future you have the support of your sisters. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, find comfort in the quiet. You deserve it.”


More of Taylor + Milo’s NICU story:

“While I was pregnant a hole was discovered in our baby’s heart, and they thought he was missing a kidney. Our son, Milo, was born on October 16, 2020. Soon after he was born he was unable to swallow. That combined with heart and kidney issues led them to diagnose him with vacterl syndrome. He was quickly taken to the ICU and soon after a transfer team from Lutheran General was whisking our sweet boy away to their NICU.

Giving birth in a pandemic can be a bit strange, but giving birth and having your baby taken to another hospital during a pandemic was terrifying. My husband followed to make sure Milo was okay. I was left alone.  Because of strict protocols they wouldn’t let anyone else in to stay with me while my husband went to be with our son. It was so lonely and scary.

Since then Milo has had several esophagus procedures to repair a TEF and will soon head to Oak Lawn for heart surgery. It has been 49 days since Milo was taken to the NICU. We hope he will be able to come home soon and finally meet his big sister Charlie, his grandparents, and eventually the rest of our family and friends.”


Love, Allie


Love, Janelle